Getting in Touch






Office phone: 01992 575661


Mobile/ out of hours: 07590 260046



Mailing Address:


Box Hall

2 Crossing Road


Essex CM16 7BG


NEW!! Find me on Twitter @ZebraPA


Welcome to Zebra PA Solutions... Virtual Assistant Services... Copywriting... Press & PR...














































Virtual PA Packages»
See what we can do for you...


Solve Your Problems»
Whatever you need, just let us know...


Business Boarding Kennels »
Going away? Let Zebra lighten the load...


Copywriting services»
Any kind of copy, any time...


Press & PR»
We can help you get your business out there...


Rates »
Negotiable, flexible and reasonable....


Who We Are» 

Elizabeth Thomas, Zebra's Business Manager...


Contact details »
How to get in touch...